The Hardwick Grammar School was first known as the Kingston School. The first school was located on the south side of the Kings River in Fresno County (later this area became part of Kings County) in the small community of Kingston, near the current Kings River Bridge south of Laton. The school may have been constructed as early as 1860 but soon after was moved onto property owned by Simon Hetjonk that is now in Kings County. It appears the first school attended by students in what is now Kings County was Kingston. When the railroad was laid out through the area around 1876, the settlement was named Hardwick after the construction foreman.
The Hardwick Grammar School was first known as the Kingston School. The first school was located on the south side of the Kings River in Fresno County (later this area became part of Kings County) in the small community of Kingston, near the current Kings River Bridge south of Laton. The school may have been constructed as early as 1860 but soon after was moved onto property owned by Simon Hetjonk that is now in Kings County. It appears the first school attended by students in what is now Kings County was Kingston. When the railroad was laid out through the area around 1876, the settlement was named Hardwick after the construction foreman.
The community of Kingston faded and the schoolhouse was moved about 4 miles west to the town of Hardwick, although, it was still referred to as the Kingston School for several years. Following a heated battle between Kings and Fresno counties, 118 square miles of territory was added to Kings County by an act of the California Legislature in 1909. This territory lay along the Kings River and contained the location of old Kingston and Hardwick. One allegation was made that the schools would lose their funding and not be able to operate. The Kings County Board of Supervisors promptly passed a resolution stating this was not the case and that adequate funding would be available. (note: There seems to be a discrepancy as to who built the school house and it's first location. One book indicates that it was moved onto the property in Kingston from an unknown location, however, another article indicated that the old school was built by a Mr. Page who lived in Hardwick. Logic indicates that the schoolhouse shown above was probably built in Kingston by Mr. Page and eventually moved to the Hardwick site. Both Hardwick and Kingston were very near each other so that might explain why the discrepancies as to who and where it was built.)
A letter to Mrs. Dan Van Beek, dated May 22, 1967, from an eighty-three year old gentleman named Walter M. Carter, who was a graduate of Hardwick in 1898, states as follows: "A man by the name of Page owned all the land around there at the time. Page was a partner of Leland Stanford the railroad magnet. In 1893, Page decided to colonize that land so he surveyed out the town site of Hardwick and built the old schoolhouse and sold three lots in the town site. Mr. Page donated the old bell and brought it down from San Francisco. It remained in the old schoolhouse until approximately 1914 when it was moved onto a bell tower behind the new schoolhouse."
The schoolhouse that Mr. Page constructed had the appearance of an elegant country farmhouse rather than the austere square schoolhouses of that era. Mr. Elmer Gallup, a farmer in the area, scraped the area with his team and scrapers to help "Charly" King re-plot the community in 1909. By this time, Walter Gallup owned the town site of Hardwick. Mr King built stores and a bank. The bank was robbed a number of times and in the early 20th century it closed and, eventually, became a community hall.
In an interview with Ione Hooker Reed, she stated that her mother graduated from the ninth grade at the Hardwick School in 1899. She also stated that the schoolhouse that Mr. Page built was eventually purchased by Frank Johnson and moved to 1/8 mile south of Elder Avenue on 14th Avenue, about 600 feet back in the field. It was remodeled and occupied by Mr. Johnson and his wife, Hope Pyburn. Mrs. Johnson was a teacher in Armona.
From Newspaper archives dated July 17, 1896 states that Kingston school district (probably 1895/96) ws divided into the Kingston and Lillis Districts. C.A. McCourt will teach in the old district (Kingston) and Miss Grace Rider has been elected to the position of teacher for the Lillis School.
1987 April 23 There is a mention of the Wildflower School. I need to investigate because I believe that Wildflower school was one of the first schools in the Laton area. This article states that there was a program to benefit the school organ fund (Wildflower) and indicating that Miss Grace Riley, teacher of Kingston school, was in attendance and Miss Mabel Houlton, teacher at Wildflower along with parents.
1987 Aug 1898/99 Jas. Wilkinson, has secured the position as teacher in the Kingston school.
1988 May 7 J. G. Wilkinson, Principal of Kingston school, closed a most successful eight months term. There was one graduate, Robert H. Philipps, who intends to enter the High School next term. (This must be Hanford High School as Laton High School wasn't built until 1907.)
1899 Aug 3 (1899/00) Uriah S. Bock has been engaged to teach the Kingston school for the next term. (Linda's notes....I beginning to believe that there was a principal who also served as the only teacher during these years until the new Hardwick Grammar School was built in 1914.)
1903 Jan 29 1902/03 Kingston School District's name was changed to Hardwick School District as a convenience, one being that Hardwick had a post office and railway station. "If successful, the name of the voting precinct will probably be changed from Kingston to Hardwick, too."
1906 There were two photos posted in a valley newspaper showing the original "Hardwick School" (the old house) with approximately 24 children on the front porch. It lists the teacher as Miss Isabelle Hickey. There were about 24 children standing outside under a tree but it is very difficult to discern the faces. However, there are the surnames names of students listed under one of the photos. It included the names of Costa, Haase, Huffman, Cardoza, Kendall, Michaels and Ayeres. I am having a difficult time finding the newspaper that this article appeared in but my first guess is the Hanford paper however, after a search on Newspaper.com, I've come up empty.
1907 May 24 1906/07 - A newspaper mentions Miss Ida Boggs, the teacher of Hardwick school, has secured the position of bookkeeper for the Maple Grove Creamery of this city and arrived today to take up the work for the summer. (I'm assuming that she continued to teach at Hardwick.)
1909 Mar 9 1908/09 - "The district proposes to buy from Charles King a strip of land east of the present school ground, 77 feet wide and 150 feet long at a price of $100. This was prior to the removal of the old school house and the construction of the new school in 1914.
1909, March 9 “SPECIAL ELECTION IN HARDWICK DISTRICT to vote $350 to enlarge the school grounds and make needed improvements to the school house. The district proposes to buy from Charles King a strip of land east of the present school grounds, 77 feet wide and 150 long, at a price of $100.” (Linda’s notes: This school house was the old Victorian looking house that was moved from Kingston to Hardwick and served as the Hardwick school until building the new four-room structure built of brick in the mission style in 1914.)
1909 Nov 16 - SOON TO START ON NEW CHURCH - New Methodist Episcopal Edifice at Hardwick will cost about $2,000. Mortar mixing will be started this week.
From newspaper archives..... 1911 – April 16 “Mrs. V. L. Blalock, was the principal for the Hardwick School. A contest held by a book concern (business?) to Kings County school children, nine were awarded to Mrs. Blalock’s pupils. The winners were George Hewitt, Mabel Hardman, Edith Walker, Cleo Blalock, Horace Huffman, Olga Swanson, Katie Kendall, Susie Haase and Dora Johnson.”
1913, June 25 “Bids for the construction of the Hardwick District school house will be opened next Saturday in the offices of Schwartz, Hotchkins and Schwartz in the Rowell Building. The plans for the school call for a four-room structure built of brick in the mission style with a Spanish tile roof. It is to be built on the main road (i.e. Excelsior Avenue) four miles west of Laton.”
1913, July 2 13/14 - SELMA MAN TO BUILD HARDWICK SHOOL HOUSE. The bide of J. H. Peak of Selma was lowest and awarded him the contract of $8,387.00. (THE OLD SCHOOL HOUSE THAT HAD BEEN MOVED FROM KINGSTON WILL BE TORN DOWN SOON AND A NEW SCHOOL HOUDE WILL REPLACE IT.
1913, September 10 13/14 The new building will be finished by December 1 and will be occupied immediately after its completion. Additional ground has been added to the school property and when the new building is completed and the grounds in shape, Hardwick will have one of the prettiest school properties in the county.
The replacement school was finally built in 1914 and continued in service until Hardwick and Kings River unionized in 1962. The school site to the west of the community on Excelsior Avenue is now used as a Kings County fire station. The bell that Mr. Page donated is now on the property of the fire station. Majestic valley oak trees were a part of the charm of the area. For more information about the Town of Hardwick go to http://www.latoncalifornia.org/hardwick.html
From newspaper archives.......1916, Oct 8: “Mrs. Jennie Trewhitt, teacher of the primary grades in the Hardwick grammar school, will give lessons in fine needle work to the girls of the school each Tuesday afternoon. The children are requested to bring their own materials.”
1917, Feb 17: “The Hardwick grammar school has increased in attendance until there is no more seating room. Mrs. Trewhitt has thirty-nine pupils in her room.”
1917, May 26: "The children of the eighth grade took their final examinations in Armona. Those of the eighth grade who will attend the Laton High School are Adris Wilco, B.F Kendall and Betsey Kooy. Those who will attend the Hanford high school are Ruby Huffman and Russel Blowers."
1917, September 5: "The Hardwick grammar school open September 24. The same teachers who taught last term have been retained by the trustees to teach the coming term. They are O. A. Roush, Principal, Mrs. Mrs. Ayers, intermediate grades and Mrs. Jennie Trewhitt, Primary grades. A new feature this term will be the knitting class under the direction of Mrs. Mary Ayers who will teach knitting of useful articles for the Red Cross. The Laton High School will open September 24 with Mrs. M. E Knudson as Principal. The Laton high school will pay transportation of the pupils for every day the student attends. For instance, the student who lives nine miles away will receive 27 cents for each day he attends, and the student three miles away receives six cents for each day of attendance."
1917, Oct 17: "The Hardwick grammar school will be closed for the remainder of the week. The school closed to allow the children to be vaccinated as a case of smallpox and been report in the vicinity. The school reopen again next Monday." (Linda’s note: This was during the deadly world-wide Spanish flu epidemic.)
1918, September 28 "Hardwick grammar school principal was Prof. Brown."
1918, Oct 23: "The Hardwick grammar school will be closed this week by order of the Board of Health. There have been a few cases of colds of a light degree for the past few days, but the closing was done as a precaution against the spread of influenza."
1919, Aug 31: "The Hardwick grammar school will open September 15 with Miss Ethel Long as principal, Miss Nora Beckman, fifth and sixth grades. Miss Shaw, third and fourth grades and Mrs. Trewhitt the primary grades."
1919, Dec 14: "The Hardwick grammar school baseball team won from the Laguna grammar school baseball team on the school grounds here Friday afternoon with a score of 12 to 14. The Hardwick team was composed of George Carter, Billy Sparks, W. Bertram, Charley Huffman, John Hanse, J. Williams, M. Alves, Tony Thomas and Rex Richmond. The Laguna team was made up of Ray Goron, Victor and Mentor Wiggins, Harold McIntire, Lawrence S. Tipton, Clarence Casmera, Ernest Bristol, and Waits McIntire. Ray Clark was umpire."
In an interview with Ione Hooker Reed, she stated that her mother graduated from the ninth grade at the Hardwick School in 1899. She also stated that the schoolhouse that Mr. Page built was eventually purchased by Frank Johnson and moved to 1/8 mile south of Elder Avenue on 14th Avenue, about 600 feet back in the field. It was remodeled and occupied by Mr. Johnson and his wife, Hope Pyburn. Mrs. Johnson was a teacher in Armona.
From Newspaper archives dated July 17, 1896 states that Kingston school district (probably 1895/96) ws divided into the Kingston and Lillis Districts. C.A. McCourt will teach in the old district (Kingston) and Miss Grace Rider has been elected to the position of teacher for the Lillis School.
1987 April 23 There is a mention of the Wildflower School. I need to investigate because I believe that Wildflower school was one of the first schools in the Laton area. This article states that there was a program to benefit the school organ fund (Wildflower) and indicating that Miss Grace Riley, teacher of Kingston school, was in attendance and Miss Mabel Houlton, teacher at Wildflower along with parents.
1987 Aug 1898/99 Jas. Wilkinson, has secured the position as teacher in the Kingston school.
1988 May 7 J. G. Wilkinson, Principal of Kingston school, closed a most successful eight months term. There was one graduate, Robert H. Philipps, who intends to enter the High School next term. (This must be Hanford High School as Laton High School wasn't built until 1907.)
1899 Aug 3 (1899/00) Uriah S. Bock has been engaged to teach the Kingston school for the next term. (Linda's notes....I beginning to believe that there was a principal who also served as the only teacher during these years until the new Hardwick Grammar School was built in 1914.)
1903 Jan 29 1902/03 Kingston School District's name was changed to Hardwick School District as a convenience, one being that Hardwick had a post office and railway station. "If successful, the name of the voting precinct will probably be changed from Kingston to Hardwick, too."
1906 There were two photos posted in a valley newspaper showing the original "Hardwick School" (the old house) with approximately 24 children on the front porch. It lists the teacher as Miss Isabelle Hickey. There were about 24 children standing outside under a tree but it is very difficult to discern the faces. However, there are the surnames names of students listed under one of the photos. It included the names of Costa, Haase, Huffman, Cardoza, Kendall, Michaels and Ayeres. I am having a difficult time finding the newspaper that this article appeared in but my first guess is the Hanford paper however, after a search on Newspaper.com, I've come up empty.
1907 May 24 1906/07 - A newspaper mentions Miss Ida Boggs, the teacher of Hardwick school, has secured the position of bookkeeper for the Maple Grove Creamery of this city and arrived today to take up the work for the summer. (I'm assuming that she continued to teach at Hardwick.)
1909 Mar 9 1908/09 - "The district proposes to buy from Charles King a strip of land east of the present school ground, 77 feet wide and 150 feet long at a price of $100. This was prior to the removal of the old school house and the construction of the new school in 1914.
1909, March 9 “SPECIAL ELECTION IN HARDWICK DISTRICT to vote $350 to enlarge the school grounds and make needed improvements to the school house. The district proposes to buy from Charles King a strip of land east of the present school grounds, 77 feet wide and 150 long, at a price of $100.” (Linda’s notes: This school house was the old Victorian looking house that was moved from Kingston to Hardwick and served as the Hardwick school until building the new four-room structure built of brick in the mission style in 1914.)
1909 Nov 16 - SOON TO START ON NEW CHURCH - New Methodist Episcopal Edifice at Hardwick will cost about $2,000. Mortar mixing will be started this week.
From newspaper archives..... 1911 – April 16 “Mrs. V. L. Blalock, was the principal for the Hardwick School. A contest held by a book concern (business?) to Kings County school children, nine were awarded to Mrs. Blalock’s pupils. The winners were George Hewitt, Mabel Hardman, Edith Walker, Cleo Blalock, Horace Huffman, Olga Swanson, Katie Kendall, Susie Haase and Dora Johnson.”
1913, June 25 “Bids for the construction of the Hardwick District school house will be opened next Saturday in the offices of Schwartz, Hotchkins and Schwartz in the Rowell Building. The plans for the school call for a four-room structure built of brick in the mission style with a Spanish tile roof. It is to be built on the main road (i.e. Excelsior Avenue) four miles west of Laton.”
1913, July 2 13/14 - SELMA MAN TO BUILD HARDWICK SHOOL HOUSE. The bide of J. H. Peak of Selma was lowest and awarded him the contract of $8,387.00. (THE OLD SCHOOL HOUSE THAT HAD BEEN MOVED FROM KINGSTON WILL BE TORN DOWN SOON AND A NEW SCHOOL HOUDE WILL REPLACE IT.
1913, September 10 13/14 The new building will be finished by December 1 and will be occupied immediately after its completion. Additional ground has been added to the school property and when the new building is completed and the grounds in shape, Hardwick will have one of the prettiest school properties in the county.
The replacement school was finally built in 1914 and continued in service until Hardwick and Kings River unionized in 1962. The school site to the west of the community on Excelsior Avenue is now used as a Kings County fire station. The bell that Mr. Page donated is now on the property of the fire station. Majestic valley oak trees were a part of the charm of the area. For more information about the Town of Hardwick go to http://www.latoncalifornia.org/hardwick.html
From newspaper archives.......1916, Oct 8: “Mrs. Jennie Trewhitt, teacher of the primary grades in the Hardwick grammar school, will give lessons in fine needle work to the girls of the school each Tuesday afternoon. The children are requested to bring their own materials.”
1917, Feb 17: “The Hardwick grammar school has increased in attendance until there is no more seating room. Mrs. Trewhitt has thirty-nine pupils in her room.”
1917, May 26: "The children of the eighth grade took their final examinations in Armona. Those of the eighth grade who will attend the Laton High School are Adris Wilco, B.F Kendall and Betsey Kooy. Those who will attend the Hanford high school are Ruby Huffman and Russel Blowers."
1917, September 5: "The Hardwick grammar school open September 24. The same teachers who taught last term have been retained by the trustees to teach the coming term. They are O. A. Roush, Principal, Mrs. Mrs. Ayers, intermediate grades and Mrs. Jennie Trewhitt, Primary grades. A new feature this term will be the knitting class under the direction of Mrs. Mary Ayers who will teach knitting of useful articles for the Red Cross. The Laton High School will open September 24 with Mrs. M. E Knudson as Principal. The Laton high school will pay transportation of the pupils for every day the student attends. For instance, the student who lives nine miles away will receive 27 cents for each day he attends, and the student three miles away receives six cents for each day of attendance."
1917, Oct 17: "The Hardwick grammar school will be closed for the remainder of the week. The school closed to allow the children to be vaccinated as a case of smallpox and been report in the vicinity. The school reopen again next Monday." (Linda’s note: This was during the deadly world-wide Spanish flu epidemic.)
1918, September 28 "Hardwick grammar school principal was Prof. Brown."
1918, Oct 23: "The Hardwick grammar school will be closed this week by order of the Board of Health. There have been a few cases of colds of a light degree for the past few days, but the closing was done as a precaution against the spread of influenza."
1919, Aug 31: "The Hardwick grammar school will open September 15 with Miss Ethel Long as principal, Miss Nora Beckman, fifth and sixth grades. Miss Shaw, third and fourth grades and Mrs. Trewhitt the primary grades."
1919, Dec 14: "The Hardwick grammar school baseball team won from the Laguna grammar school baseball team on the school grounds here Friday afternoon with a score of 12 to 14. The Hardwick team was composed of George Carter, Billy Sparks, W. Bertram, Charley Huffman, John Hanse, J. Williams, M. Alves, Tony Thomas and Rex Richmond. The Laguna team was made up of Ray Goron, Victor and Mentor Wiggins, Harold McIntire, Lawrence S. Tipton, Clarence Casmera, Ernest Bristol, and Waits McIntire. Ray Clark was umpire."
1923, Jan 8: “Because the Lemoore elementary school district maintains a bus service to and from school, certain residents of the Hardwick school district have petitioned the board of supervisors to change the boundary lines between the two districts. If the change of boundaries is made the Lemoore district will be enlarged about two square miles and the Hardwick district proportionately made smaller.”
Hardwick Grammar School probably sometime between 1920 - 1924 (#1003)
The above photo was taken sometime after the school was built in 1914, probably close to 1920. However, with no names to verify a date, I have had to use a few visible clues to help me determine a possible date. The music room is not in the picture so I need to check with a Kings County office that would have 'permitted' the structure. Possibly they didn't issue permits back then so I can only hope. Another clue is the hairstyle of the girls. In about 1925, the hair styles included what were called a 'bob' haircut. Prior to that time the girls had longer hair as in this photo. Also, from other grammar school photos, such as the Laguna kids, their clothing changed in the 20s and they seems to use less fabric, less ribbons, etc.
Another clue is that the next earliest photo is the 7th & 8th grade classes from about 1928 and there are 23 children in that photo. The photo above has approximately 34 children for the entire school (not sure if the taller ones are students or teachers) so for the 1928 class to have that many students, there must have been a number of years between the above photo and the one taken in 1928. Even the 1st and 2nd grades of 1930 had 26 students so for the whole school in the above photo to have had only 34 students, I feel as though there were a number of years between the time that this photo was taken and the next photo in 1928. This makes me think that the above photo was taken sometime around 1920.
If I could name just one of the children we would be able to come up with an approximately date. Now getting back to the taller children(?), I'm sure that taller lady to the left of the tree is a teacher. At first I thought that all the taller ones were teachers but the young man to the right of the tree doesn't have the build of an adult man. In those days, children (especially boys) started school much later and many of the boys were much taller than the girls in the same class. With so few students, I doubt that they would have had more than two teachers for so few children. We know that there were only four classrooms, two grades to a room, but most likely in those early years they used only one or two of the rooms.
This photo was discovered by Gus deVries in a box of items from his grandmother, Cornelia deVries. At first he thought that it was from his Aunt Wilma deVries who graduated from Laton High School in 1943. But then she would have started school at Hardwick in the school year of 1930/31. There is no way that this photo is from that school year. So that leaves his other aunt, Trynie deVries, who was born in about 1912 and graduated from Laton High in 1930. Gus is not sure which child is Trynie but my best guess is that the photo was taken some time near 1920 making her about 8-years old. The same goes for the Warmerdam boys who were Bill, John & Cornelius "Dutch". Gus seems to think that the photo was taken closer to 1924 but I'm thinking that if that's true, Trynie and Bill would have both been about 12 year's old and I don't believe that Bill is that old in the photo. After talking to one of Dutch Warmerdam's sons, he is quite certain that Bill is the 5th boy from the left in the front row and the other brother, John, is the 2nd boy in that same row. Bill was born in 1912 (about the same time that Trynie deVries was born) so would have been about 8-years old in 1920 and John was born in about 1913 or 1914 making him 6 or 7-years old in 1920. Dutch's son does not think that his dad is in the photo so it makes sense that if the photo was from 1920, Dutch, born in 1915, would have only been about 5 at that time. From the 1920 census records, it indicated that Corie "Dutch" was 5-years old and not in school at that time. If the photo was from 1924 then Dutch should have also been in the photo. Another thought; take a look at the clothing in the 1928 photo and compare that to the clothing in the 1920 (or 1924 photo). There is quite a difference in the styles.
Jake Boogaard and John Douma should be in this early photo because we know that they graduated from Hardwick in 1927 or 1928. They would have also been about the same age as Bill Warmerdam and Trynie deVries. Also, John Van Groningen, John Warmerdam, Cornelius Van Groningen and Cornelius "Dutch" Warmerdam.
The following names are those who graduated from Laton High School from 1920 - 1930 also attended Hardwick Grammar School. They were Inez Saulsbury, Verna Saulsbury, Ward Morrison, Ruby Reed, Mentor Wiggins, Lowell Scutt, Arlind Wilcox, Homer Brackett, Trynie deVries, Harry Roush, Gerald Roush, Jennie Love and Mildred Roush. The names in BOLD have the greatest chance of being in the photo. I have copies of the 1930 census for the Hardwick area so I should pick up some additional names there. In the census of the year, I believe that it also listed each person and indicated if they attended school and how many grades they completed. When I slow down a little, I'll find those census records.
I'm rambling and a lot of guessing is going on but that's all I can do right now. If we can find a different photo of a young Trynie deVries then maybe we can find her in the photo. She may be my only hope of finding the approximate year that it was taken.
Class photos were traditionally taken in the fall of the new school year so when the year is included such as 1930, it's understood that it's for the school year of 1930/31.
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections. Include the code for that person.
Hardwick ca 1927/28, Grades 7 & 8 (#1043)
Front row (left to right) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
Middle row (left to right) 1, John Van Groningen, John Douma, John Warmerdam, Jake Boogaard, 6, Cornelius Van Groningen, Cornelius "Dutch" Warmerdam (see Dutch's story below)
Back row (left to right) 1, 2, 3, Teacher/Principal Mr. Roush, 5, 6, 7, 8,
Hardwick ca 1927/28, Grades 7 & 8 (#1043)
Front row (left to right) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
Middle row (left to right) 1, John Van Groningen, John Douma, John Warmerdam, Jake Boogaard, 6, Cornelius Van Groningen, Cornelius "Dutch" Warmerdam (see Dutch's story below)
Back row (left to right) 1, 2, 3, Teacher/Principal Mr. Roush, 5, 6, 7, 8,
Dutch Warmerdam - 1928 Hardwick graduate (Photo #5) (See also photo #1043 above)

*Cornelius ("Dutch") Warmerdam (June 22, 1915 – November 13, 2001) was a long time pole vault world record holder and is considered to be among the all time greatest vaulters.
Dutch got his start in pole vaulting in his backyard using the limb of a preach tree and landing in a pit of piled up dirt. He grew up in the Hardwick area and graduated from Hardwick Grammar School ca 1928. He was discovered by the local track coach and vaulted for Hanford High School until his graduation in 1932, after which he attended and vaulted for Fresno State University.
Dutch married Juanita Anderson, a 1937 Laton High School graduate, on August 29, 1940, and they were married for 61 years until Dutch's death in Fresno in 2001. Juanita continued to live in Fresno until her death in 2006.
Vaulting throughout his career with a bamboo pole, Warmerdam was the first vaulter to clear 15 feet (4.57 m), accomplishing that feat at UC Berkeley on April 13, 1940. However, that achievement was not ratified for a world record, and his later vault of 4.60 m on June 29, 1940 was the first ratified jump over 15 feet. During his career, Warmerdam vaulted 15 feet 43 times in competition, while no other vaulter cleared the mark a single time. Warmerdam surpassed the pole vault record seven times in a four year span, and three of those marks were ratified as world records. His highest outdoor vault was 15' 7-3/4" (4.77 m), achieved at the Modesto Relays in 1942, a record which stood until 1957 when Bob Gutowski broke the mark using a metal pole. Warmerdam won the James E. Sullivan Award in 1942 but was never able to compete in the Olympics because the 1940 and 1944 games were cancelled due to World War II, and by 1948 he was coaching professionally and therefore ineligible. However he continued competing as an early practitioner of Master athletics. He still is ranked in the world all time top ten list in the M60 Decathlon.
Dutch went on to coach track and field at Fresno State College until his retirement in 1980. Fresno State named its track stadium Warmerdam Field in his honor. Dutch is a member of several halls of fame, including the National Track and Field Hall of Fame and the Millrose Game Hall of Fame.
*Information obtained from Wikipedia
From newspaper archives 1928 – Apr 16, 1 "Hardwick school has just installed a new suburban telephone which is in operation now. Johon Bernstein, W.F. McCutchen and Elmer Gallop have discontinued their farmer’s line and are now connected up with suburban telephones and people desiring to talk to any of them will have no difficulty in getting them with the numbers in the new telephone directory."
From newspaper archives 1928, May 24: "The 8th grade graduates this year are Cornelius Warmerdam, Ralph Rose, John Douma, Tony Koliopolus, Valdemer Santos, Eddie Vanes, William Arsenior, John Van Gronigen, Edith Hoskins, Jewel Brackett, Cora Verheul, Ruth Robertson, Edna Avila, Francis Landis, Florence Carlson, Lydia Roubos and Edith Gallop." (Linda’s note: It appears that none of these students continued their education at Laton High so if they went to high school if was probably Hanford High School and they would have been in the Class of 1932)
1928, Dec 1 – "Notice issuing and selling bonds ($3,000) for the purpose of raising money to build a separate frame classroom building adjacent to the present Hardwick School building. (Linda’s notes: That building would later become what we referred to as the Music Room. Apparently, there were so many first-grade students in 1928 that they hired a separate teacher for that grade and needed a classroom for just that grade. Eventually, until the school closed in 1963, the first and second grades were taught in the same room. I’m not sure of the date when they brought together both grades to be taught by one teacher. The following photos, with the background being wood, indicates that they were photographed in front of the new building.
1929, March 11: "The bids for addition to Hardwick school were opened Tuesday evening at the Hardwick school by the trustees. The contract was awarded to Pridgon and Bartlett of Laton and construction work on the new building will be at once." (Linda’s notes: This new building will be used for the first-grade students as they have outgrown the main building.)
1929 – Newspaper dated Apr 5, 1929 "Our new building for the first grade is going up rapidly. They expect to have it completed in about two or three weeks."
1929, May 28: "The following teachers for the ensuing year are S. Sidert as Principal and teacher of seventh and eighth grades. Mrs. Emma Haydon, first grade, Addene Huffman, second grade, Mrs. I. O. Ritchie third and fourth grades and Mrs. Lovell Fowler, fifth and sixth grades."
(Linda's notes) Although the previous article from Newspaper Archives do not include Mrs. Sparks as one of the teachers for the upcoming year, however, she was definitely in the following photos that would have been taken during the fall of 1929 and also the school year of 1930/31. The following newspaper article indicates that Mrs. Sparks is one of the teachers for the upcoming season.
1930, September 17: "Hardwick school opened for the fall term Monday morning with a fair attendance. There are five teachers this year. O. A. Rouch is principal and teaches 7th and 8th grades; Mrs. Velma Fowler, 5th and 6th grades, Miss Harriet Brown, 3rd and 4th; Mrs. Fay Cooper, 2nd grade and Miss Ruth Sparks, primary."
Dutch got his start in pole vaulting in his backyard using the limb of a preach tree and landing in a pit of piled up dirt. He grew up in the Hardwick area and graduated from Hardwick Grammar School ca 1928. He was discovered by the local track coach and vaulted for Hanford High School until his graduation in 1932, after which he attended and vaulted for Fresno State University.
Dutch married Juanita Anderson, a 1937 Laton High School graduate, on August 29, 1940, and they were married for 61 years until Dutch's death in Fresno in 2001. Juanita continued to live in Fresno until her death in 2006.
Vaulting throughout his career with a bamboo pole, Warmerdam was the first vaulter to clear 15 feet (4.57 m), accomplishing that feat at UC Berkeley on April 13, 1940. However, that achievement was not ratified for a world record, and his later vault of 4.60 m on June 29, 1940 was the first ratified jump over 15 feet. During his career, Warmerdam vaulted 15 feet 43 times in competition, while no other vaulter cleared the mark a single time. Warmerdam surpassed the pole vault record seven times in a four year span, and three of those marks were ratified as world records. His highest outdoor vault was 15' 7-3/4" (4.77 m), achieved at the Modesto Relays in 1942, a record which stood until 1957 when Bob Gutowski broke the mark using a metal pole. Warmerdam won the James E. Sullivan Award in 1942 but was never able to compete in the Olympics because the 1940 and 1944 games were cancelled due to World War II, and by 1948 he was coaching professionally and therefore ineligible. However he continued competing as an early practitioner of Master athletics. He still is ranked in the world all time top ten list in the M60 Decathlon.
Dutch went on to coach track and field at Fresno State College until his retirement in 1980. Fresno State named its track stadium Warmerdam Field in his honor. Dutch is a member of several halls of fame, including the National Track and Field Hall of Fame and the Millrose Game Hall of Fame.
*Information obtained from Wikipedia
From newspaper archives 1928 – Apr 16, 1 "Hardwick school has just installed a new suburban telephone which is in operation now. Johon Bernstein, W.F. McCutchen and Elmer Gallop have discontinued their farmer’s line and are now connected up with suburban telephones and people desiring to talk to any of them will have no difficulty in getting them with the numbers in the new telephone directory."
From newspaper archives 1928, May 24: "The 8th grade graduates this year are Cornelius Warmerdam, Ralph Rose, John Douma, Tony Koliopolus, Valdemer Santos, Eddie Vanes, William Arsenior, John Van Gronigen, Edith Hoskins, Jewel Brackett, Cora Verheul, Ruth Robertson, Edna Avila, Francis Landis, Florence Carlson, Lydia Roubos and Edith Gallop." (Linda’s note: It appears that none of these students continued their education at Laton High so if they went to high school if was probably Hanford High School and they would have been in the Class of 1932)
1928, Dec 1 – "Notice issuing and selling bonds ($3,000) for the purpose of raising money to build a separate frame classroom building adjacent to the present Hardwick School building. (Linda’s notes: That building would later become what we referred to as the Music Room. Apparently, there were so many first-grade students in 1928 that they hired a separate teacher for that grade and needed a classroom for just that grade. Eventually, until the school closed in 1963, the first and second grades were taught in the same room. I’m not sure of the date when they brought together both grades to be taught by one teacher. The following photos, with the background being wood, indicates that they were photographed in front of the new building.
1929, March 11: "The bids for addition to Hardwick school were opened Tuesday evening at the Hardwick school by the trustees. The contract was awarded to Pridgon and Bartlett of Laton and construction work on the new building will be at once." (Linda’s notes: This new building will be used for the first-grade students as they have outgrown the main building.)
1929 – Newspaper dated Apr 5, 1929 "Our new building for the first grade is going up rapidly. They expect to have it completed in about two or three weeks."
1929, May 28: "The following teachers for the ensuing year are S. Sidert as Principal and teacher of seventh and eighth grades. Mrs. Emma Haydon, first grade, Addene Huffman, second grade, Mrs. I. O. Ritchie third and fourth grades and Mrs. Lovell Fowler, fifth and sixth grades."
(Linda's notes) Although the previous article from Newspaper Archives do not include Mrs. Sparks as one of the teachers for the upcoming year, however, she was definitely in the following photos that would have been taken during the fall of 1929 and also the school year of 1930/31. The following newspaper article indicates that Mrs. Sparks is one of the teachers for the upcoming season.
1930, September 17: "Hardwick school opened for the fall term Monday morning with a fair attendance. There are five teachers this year. O. A. Rouch is principal and teaches 7th and 8th grades; Mrs. Velma Fowler, 5th and 6th grades, Miss Harriet Brown, 3rd and 4th; Mrs. Fay Cooper, 2nd grade and Miss Ruth Sparks, primary."
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1929/30, Grades 1 & 2 (#1038)
Front Row (left to right) Lee Nunes, Doug Rogers, Leland Parsons, Nick Loogman, John Boogaard
Second Row (left to right) Jean Stolte, Dora Dallas??, Lois Roush, Lupe Caldera, Mary Nishi, 6 ,
Clara Ann Arthur, Semiko Tsubouchi
Third Row (left to right) 1, Marie Chevallier, Willamena Douma, Jean Ayers, 5 ,
Gladys Rogers, Ted Wyke
Back Row (left to right) Miss Sparks, Abe Stryd, Paul Kercher, 4, 5, ? Nishi , 7,
Hardwick 1929/30, Grades 1 & 2 (#1038)
Front Row (left to right) Lee Nunes, Doug Rogers, Leland Parsons, Nick Loogman, John Boogaard
Second Row (left to right) Jean Stolte, Dora Dallas??, Lois Roush, Lupe Caldera, Mary Nishi, 6 ,
Clara Ann Arthur, Semiko Tsubouchi
Third Row (left to right) 1, Marie Chevallier, Willamena Douma, Jean Ayers, 5 ,
Gladys Rogers, Ted Wyke
Back Row (left to right) Miss Sparks, Abe Stryd, Paul Kercher, 4, 5, ? Nishi , 7,
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1930/31, Grades 1 & 2 (#1039)
Front Row (left to right) Elsie Perry, Marie Chevallier, Lois Roush, Lupe Caldera, Carlotte Rogers,
Wilma DeVries, Jenny Van Groningen, Mary Nishi, Semiko Tsubouchi, 10, 11, 12, George Burner
Second Row (left to right) Jessie ?, Ted Wyke, Bill Loogman
Back Row (left to right) 1, Tony Bettencourt, Ernie Avila, Abe Stryd, 5, Doug Rogers, John Boogaard, Tom Douma, 9, Raymond Parsons, Nick Loogman, Leland Parsons, Miss Sparks
Hardwick 1930/31, Grades 1 & 2 (#1039)
Front Row (left to right) Elsie Perry, Marie Chevallier, Lois Roush, Lupe Caldera, Carlotte Rogers,
Wilma DeVries, Jenny Van Groningen, Mary Nishi, Semiko Tsubouchi, 10, 11, 12, George Burner
Second Row (left to right) Jessie ?, Ted Wyke, Bill Loogman
Back Row (left to right) 1, Tony Bettencourt, Ernie Avila, Abe Stryd, 5, Doug Rogers, John Boogaard, Tom Douma, 9, Raymond Parsons, Nick Loogman, Leland Parsons, Miss Sparks
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1932, Grades 3 & 4 (#1004)
Front row (left to right) 1, 2, Lela Mae Johnson, Lois Roush, Mary Nishi,
Marie Chevalier, 7, Mable White, 9,
Middle row (left to right) Ted Sykes, Rudolph Douma, Lawrence White, Mrs. Ayers, Artie Gomes, 6, Tommy Douma
Back row (left to right) Abe Stryd, *Rudolph Douma, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
*Rudolph Douma is listed in two positions.???
From newspaper archives in 1932 .....Teachers: "O. A. Roush, Mrs. Jack Robinson, Mrs. R E. Ayers and Mrs. Lloyd Allen. Prior to this year there were 5 teachers. The first and second grades were separate.
1933 – "An immunization against diphtheria consisting of three treatments will be given at Hardwick School starting December 12. A fee of 25 cents per child will be charged for the medicine. The physicians are donating their services. Hot lunches which consist of soups, beans and stews will be served at Hardwick school probably starting Monday, December 11, by Mrs. Fowler. This will be especially fine during the cold winter days and the children are urged to save their pennis for these hot dishes. Small servings will be 3 cents per plate and larger servings will be 5 cents per plate."
Hardwick 1932, Grades 3 & 4 (#1004)
Front row (left to right) 1, 2, Lela Mae Johnson, Lois Roush, Mary Nishi,
Marie Chevalier, 7, Mable White, 9,
Middle row (left to right) Ted Sykes, Rudolph Douma, Lawrence White, Mrs. Ayers, Artie Gomes, 6, Tommy Douma
Back row (left to right) Abe Stryd, *Rudolph Douma, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
*Rudolph Douma is listed in two positions.???
From newspaper archives in 1932 .....Teachers: "O. A. Roush, Mrs. Jack Robinson, Mrs. R E. Ayers and Mrs. Lloyd Allen. Prior to this year there were 5 teachers. The first and second grades were separate.
1933 – "An immunization against diphtheria consisting of three treatments will be given at Hardwick School starting December 12. A fee of 25 cents per child will be charged for the medicine. The physicians are donating their services. Hot lunches which consist of soups, beans and stews will be served at Hardwick school probably starting Monday, December 11, by Mrs. Fowler. This will be especially fine during the cold winter days and the children are urged to save their pennis for these hot dishes. Small servings will be 3 cents per plate and larger servings will be 5 cents per plate."

Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1932/33 or 1933/34 , Grades 3 & 4 (#1006)
This photo was taken in 1933 but not sure if it was in the Spring of 1933 or the Fall of 1933. If it was taken in the Spring of 1933, then Paul Kercher, Lee Nunes, Lois Roush and Clara Arthur should be in this photo. If it was taken in the Fall of 1933 then Mary Nishi, Abe Stryd, Sumiko Tsubouchi and Juanta Atkisson should be in the photo and include Paul Kercher, Lee Nunes, Lois Roush and Clara Arthur. But then again, depending on when it was taken, Wilma deVries, Nickolas Loogman and Ernie Perry could also be in the picture but would not include, Paul Kercher, Lee Nunes, Lois Roush and Clara Arthur.
I hope that I haven't confused you too much but I'm going with names that I know were in there with Juanita Atkisson and had also graduated from Laton High in the Class of 1942. Can you put any faces with the coded position.
Hardwick 1932/33 or 1933/34 , Grades 3 & 4 (#1006)
This photo was taken in 1933 but not sure if it was in the Spring of 1933 or the Fall of 1933. If it was taken in the Spring of 1933, then Paul Kercher, Lee Nunes, Lois Roush and Clara Arthur should be in this photo. If it was taken in the Fall of 1933 then Mary Nishi, Abe Stryd, Sumiko Tsubouchi and Juanta Atkisson should be in the photo and include Paul Kercher, Lee Nunes, Lois Roush and Clara Arthur. But then again, depending on when it was taken, Wilma deVries, Nickolas Loogman and Ernie Perry could also be in the picture but would not include, Paul Kercher, Lee Nunes, Lois Roush and Clara Arthur.
I hope that I haven't confused you too much but I'm going with names that I know were in there with Juanita Atkisson and had also graduated from Laton High in the Class of 1942. Can you put any faces with the coded position.
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1935-36, Grades 5 & 6 (#1007)
Lying down behind sign 1, Marion Atkisson
Front Row (left to right) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
2nd Row (left to right) 1, John Boogaard, Doug Rogers, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
3rd Row (left to right) 1, 2, 3, Charlotte Rogers, 5, Teacher ???, 7, 8, 9,
Sumiko Tsubouchi, Mary Nishi
Back Row (left to right) 1, Wilma deVries, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Juanita Atkisson
Marie Chevalier should be one of the girls and possibly Lorraine Smith
Hardwick 1935-36, Grades 5 & 6 (#1007)
Lying down behind sign 1, Marion Atkisson
Front Row (left to right) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
2nd Row (left to right) 1, John Boogaard, Doug Rogers, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
3rd Row (left to right) 1, 2, 3, Charlotte Rogers, 5, Teacher ???, 7, 8, 9,
Sumiko Tsubouchi, Mary Nishi
Back Row (left to right) 1, Wilma deVries, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Juanita Atkisson
Marie Chevalier should be one of the girls and possibly Lorraine Smith
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1938 (#1008)
Front Row (left to right) 1, Juanita Atkisson, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10
Back Row (left to right) Principal/Teacher Orville Roush, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
Some other names that should be part of this class are.... Lela Mae Johnson, Mary Nishi, Abe Stryd,
Sumiko Tsubouchi, Mabel White
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1938 (#1008)
Front Row (left to right) 1, Juanita Atkisson, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10
Back Row (left to right) Principal/Teacher Orville Roush, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
Some other names that should be part of this class are.... Lela Mae Johnson, Mary Nishi, Abe Stryd,
Sumiko Tsubouchi, Mabel White
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1938, Grade 1 & 2 (#1031)
Front Row (left to right) 1, Louie Garcia, Eddie Texeira, Adolph Borges, Billie Homen,
Eddie Miguel, Eddie Caldera, Alfred Borges.
Second Row (left to right) Takayo Tsubouchi (*See Takayo's bio below), Marlene Miguel,
Wanda Huffman, Patty Hagman, Gracie Duyst, Nellie Loogman, Genevieve Perry,
June Barger, Patty Buwalda
Third Row (left to right) 1, 2, Josephine Silva, 4, Richard Stout,
Louis Andrada, James London, John Duyst
Back Row (left to right) Robert Caldera, James Avila, Willie Amaral, Hugh Parks, Ernest Atkisson,
6, Dwight Wilbur, Nuel Hall, 9, Miss Redwine
Hardwick 1938, Grade 1 & 2 (#1031)
Front Row (left to right) 1, Louie Garcia, Eddie Texeira, Adolph Borges, Billie Homen,
Eddie Miguel, Eddie Caldera, Alfred Borges.
Second Row (left to right) Takayo Tsubouchi (*See Takayo's bio below), Marlene Miguel,
Wanda Huffman, Patty Hagman, Gracie Duyst, Nellie Loogman, Genevieve Perry,
June Barger, Patty Buwalda
Third Row (left to right) 1, 2, Josephine Silva, 4, Richard Stout,
Louis Andrada, James London, John Duyst
Back Row (left to right) Robert Caldera, James Avila, Willie Amaral, Hugh Parks, Ernest Atkisson,
6, Dwight Wilbur, Nuel Hall, 9, Miss Redwine

*Takayo Tsubouchi Fischer was born on November 25, 1932 in Hardwick, California to Issei parents Chukuro and Kinko Tsubouchi. During World War II, she, along with her four sisters and parents, was forcibly sent to the Fresno Assembly Center before being moved to permanent War Relocation Authority camps in Jerome and Rohwer, Arkansas. After the war, the Tsubouchi family moved to Chicago, Illinois, where, as a young adult, she was crowned "Miss Nisei Queen" and attended Rollins College in Florida from 1951-53.
Fischer has appeared in dozens of major Hollywood films including Moneyball (2011), Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End(2007), The Pursuit of Happiness (2006), Memoirs of a Geisha (2005) and War of the Worlds (2005). She has also worked on many independent Asian American films including Americanese (2009), Only the Brave (2005),Stand Up For Justice: The Ralph Lazo Story (2004), and Strawberry Fields (1997).
She appeared in the stage production of The World of Suzie Wong in New York. She won a Drama-Logue Award for ensemble performance for Tea at the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego. She has also appeared in many productions with East West Players in Los Angeles, including Into The Woods. She toured the U.S. and Europe in The Peony Pavilion in 1997.
Fischer has had numerous guest-starring roles on network television including FX's It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia as a North Korean bar owner named Mr. Kim. She is sometimes credited as "Takayo Doran."
Fischer has done extensive voice-over work on several cartoon programs. Some of her well-known roles included voice work for Mister T, Battle of the Planets, Rubik the Amazing Cube, A Pup Named Scooby-Doo, Saturday Supercade, The Flintstone Kids, Batman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, The All-New Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Show, The Karate Kid, Capitol Critters, The Centurions, The Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure Show, The Heathcliff and Dingbat Show, Super Friends, Thundarr the Barbarian, Rambo, Wildfire, Captain Planet and the Planeteers, Teen Titans, Justice League Unlimited and Avatar:
The Last Airbender. She also reprised her role as Mistress Ching in the video game version of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
On November 29, 1980, she married entertainment executive Sy Fischer. She currently works and resides in Los Angeles and has three children.
This information was copied from http://encyclopedia.densho.org/sources/en-denshovh-ftakayo-01-0007-1/
Fischer has appeared in dozens of major Hollywood films including Moneyball (2011), Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End(2007), The Pursuit of Happiness (2006), Memoirs of a Geisha (2005) and War of the Worlds (2005). She has also worked on many independent Asian American films including Americanese (2009), Only the Brave (2005),Stand Up For Justice: The Ralph Lazo Story (2004), and Strawberry Fields (1997).
She appeared in the stage production of The World of Suzie Wong in New York. She won a Drama-Logue Award for ensemble performance for Tea at the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego. She has also appeared in many productions with East West Players in Los Angeles, including Into The Woods. She toured the U.S. and Europe in The Peony Pavilion in 1997.
Fischer has had numerous guest-starring roles on network television including FX's It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia as a North Korean bar owner named Mr. Kim. She is sometimes credited as "Takayo Doran."
Fischer has done extensive voice-over work on several cartoon programs. Some of her well-known roles included voice work for Mister T, Battle of the Planets, Rubik the Amazing Cube, A Pup Named Scooby-Doo, Saturday Supercade, The Flintstone Kids, Batman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, The All-New Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Show, The Karate Kid, Capitol Critters, The Centurions, The Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure Show, The Heathcliff and Dingbat Show, Super Friends, Thundarr the Barbarian, Rambo, Wildfire, Captain Planet and the Planeteers, Teen Titans, Justice League Unlimited and Avatar:
The Last Airbender. She also reprised her role as Mistress Ching in the video game version of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
On November 29, 1980, she married entertainment executive Sy Fischer. She currently works and resides in Los Angeles and has three children.
This information was copied from http://encyclopedia.densho.org/sources/en-denshovh-ftakayo-01-0007-1/
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1939 (Photo #1058)
Front Row (left to right) Lorraine Smith ?, Marie Chevalier, Aurora Silva, Gertrude Van Waay,
Wilma DeVries, Melba Park, Sachiko Sakaguchi ?
Back Row (left to right) 1, John Prys, Ernest Perry, Teacher/Principal Orville A. Roush,
Marion Atkisson (standing in front of Mr. Roush) , Nickolas Loogman, 7, 8
Front Row (left to right) Lorraine Smith ?, Marie Chevalier, Aurora Silva, Gertrude Van Waay,
Wilma DeVries, Melba Park, Sachiko Sakaguchi ?
Back Row (left to right) 1, John Prys, Ernest Perry, Teacher/Principal Orville A. Roush,
Marion Atkisson (standing in front of Mr. Roush) , Nickolas Loogman, 7, 8
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1939/40, Grades 7 & 8 (#1009)
Front row (left to right) Alvin Borges, Florene Hargrove, Bernie Camacho, Rosalie Gomes, Charlotte Rogers, Thelma Borges, Kazuko Tusbouchi, Matsugi Nishi, Gertrude Van Hoven
Middle row (left to right) Loto Soto, Rollin Rogers, George Burner, Joan London, Jennie Park,
Martina Soto, Cora Chevallier, Henretta Wyke, Mary Andre, Mary Cabral, Mabel Teixeira
Back row (left to right) Mr. Roush, John Caldera, George Loogman, Manual Rosa, Ernest Avila,
Billy London, Monte Hall, John Perry, Joe Cabral, Everett Andrea??
Hardwick 1939/40, Grades 7 & 8 (#1009)
Front row (left to right) Alvin Borges, Florene Hargrove, Bernie Camacho, Rosalie Gomes, Charlotte Rogers, Thelma Borges, Kazuko Tusbouchi, Matsugi Nishi, Gertrude Van Hoven
Middle row (left to right) Loto Soto, Rollin Rogers, George Burner, Joan London, Jennie Park,
Martina Soto, Cora Chevallier, Henretta Wyke, Mary Andre, Mary Cabral, Mabel Teixeira
Back row (left to right) Mr. Roush, John Caldera, George Loogman, Manual Rosa, Ernest Avila,
Billy London, Monte Hall, John Perry, Joe Cabral, Everett Andrea??
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation -1940 (#1010)
This is a photo of a Hardwick Graduation and the date was unknown until recently when Bette Chevallier donated the same photo. Her sister, Cora Chevallier, was one of the graduates and she says that it is the 1940 graduating class. Bette and Charlotte Rogers were able to give me the names of everyone in the photo. Neither photo for this year is in good shape so I'm looking for a better copy. Let me know if you have a better copy that I can scan.
Front row (left to right) Jennie Park, Joan London, Thelma Borges, Charlotte Rogers,
Henretta Wyke, Cora Chevallier, Mary Andre, Mary Cabral, Martina Soto.
Back row (left to right) Matsugi Nishi, Johnny Caldera, Lato Soto, Theodore Dallas, Ernest Avila,
Billy London, Manuel Rosa, Rollin Rogers, Monte Hall, John Perry, George Burner, Kazuko Tusbouchi
Mr. Orville Roush was the teacher/principal
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation -1940 (#1010)
This is a photo of a Hardwick Graduation and the date was unknown until recently when Bette Chevallier donated the same photo. Her sister, Cora Chevallier, was one of the graduates and she says that it is the 1940 graduating class. Bette and Charlotte Rogers were able to give me the names of everyone in the photo. Neither photo for this year is in good shape so I'm looking for a better copy. Let me know if you have a better copy that I can scan.
Front row (left to right) Jennie Park, Joan London, Thelma Borges, Charlotte Rogers,
Henretta Wyke, Cora Chevallier, Mary Andre, Mary Cabral, Martina Soto.
Back row (left to right) Matsugi Nishi, Johnny Caldera, Lato Soto, Theodore Dallas, Ernest Avila,
Billy London, Manuel Rosa, Rollin Rogers, Monte Hall, John Perry, George Burner, Kazuko Tusbouchi
Mr. Orville Roush was the teacher/principal
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1942 (#1020)
Front Row: Johanna Chevallier, Alene Limas, Myrtle Jean Kercher, Ludvina Silva, Janice Hargrove,
Emily Avila ?, Dorothy Sisson, Effie Stout
Middle Row: Edwin Silva, 2, Alice Perry, Nellie Van Way, Cora Caldera, Bert Boogaard,
Albert Borges
Back Row: Teacher/Principal Orville A. Roush, Norman White, John Stout, Frank Amaral,
Harold Smith, Henry (Hank) Douma, Joe Amaral
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1942 (#1020)
Front Row: Johanna Chevallier, Alene Limas, Myrtle Jean Kercher, Ludvina Silva, Janice Hargrove,
Emily Avila ?, Dorothy Sisson, Effie Stout
Middle Row: Edwin Silva, 2, Alice Perry, Nellie Van Way, Cora Caldera, Bert Boogaard,
Albert Borges
Back Row: Teacher/Principal Orville A. Roush, Norman White, John Stout, Frank Amaral,
Harold Smith, Henry (Hank) Douma, Joe Amaral
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1942, Grades 3 & 4 (#1032)
Front Row (left to right) Benny Lemos, Eddie Miguel, Norman Ford
Second Row (left to right) Glenda Hall, Deana Stout, June Barger, Bette Chevallier,
Mrs. Evelyn Bertrum, Takayo Tsubouchi, Genevieve Perry, Gracie Duyst
Third Row (left to right) Marlene Miguel, Patty Hagman, Nellie Loogman, Betty Avila,
Patty Buwalda, Doris Honeycutt, Louie Garcia, 8,
Back Row (left to right) Alfred Borges, Bill Fraley, Ernest Atkisson, Dale Roberts, 5,
James Avila, Dwight Wilbur, Joe Sisson, Adolf Borges
1943 – Newspaper June 11 – "O A. Roush resigns his Hardwick Post after 17 years. 1942/43 graduating class is listed. John Stryd, Henry Kollewyn, Mary Delles, Rita Gomes, Dick Stout, John Loogman, Betty Jo Gates, Eleanor Luis, Melvin Costa, Lydia Perry, Lois Barger, John Amaral,
Raymond Soto and Vera Barger. (No Photo available)
Frank Blowers is the new Principal for coming year of 1943/44."
Hardwick 1942, Grades 3 & 4 (#1032)
Front Row (left to right) Benny Lemos, Eddie Miguel, Norman Ford
Second Row (left to right) Glenda Hall, Deana Stout, June Barger, Bette Chevallier,
Mrs. Evelyn Bertrum, Takayo Tsubouchi, Genevieve Perry, Gracie Duyst
Third Row (left to right) Marlene Miguel, Patty Hagman, Nellie Loogman, Betty Avila,
Patty Buwalda, Doris Honeycutt, Louie Garcia, 8,
Back Row (left to right) Alfred Borges, Bill Fraley, Ernest Atkisson, Dale Roberts, 5,
James Avila, Dwight Wilbur, Joe Sisson, Adolf Borges
1943 – Newspaper June 11 – "O A. Roush resigns his Hardwick Post after 17 years. 1942/43 graduating class is listed. John Stryd, Henry Kollewyn, Mary Delles, Rita Gomes, Dick Stout, John Loogman, Betty Jo Gates, Eleanor Luis, Melvin Costa, Lydia Perry, Lois Barger, John Amaral,
Raymond Soto and Vera Barger. (No Photo available)
Frank Blowers is the new Principal for coming year of 1943/44."
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1944 (#1057)
Front Row (left to right) Barbara Smith, Wilhelmina Loogman, Janice Stryd, Lucille Gates
Back Row (left to right) Joe Perry, Lottie Smith, Vivian Blowers, Sarah Garcia,
Teacher/Principal Frank Blowers (not in photo - Conrad Michal)
Click here to email Linda with corrections.
Front Row (left to right) Barbara Smith, Wilhelmina Loogman, Janice Stryd, Lucille Gates
Back Row (left to right) Joe Perry, Lottie Smith, Vivian Blowers, Sarah Garcia,
Teacher/Principal Frank Blowers (not in photo - Conrad Michal)
Click here to email Linda with corrections.
Hardwick Grammar School Graduating Class - 1946 (#1059)
Front Row (left to right) Nellie Loogman, Pat Hageman, Dena Stout, June Barger, Genevieve Perry
Back Row (left to right) Eddie Miguel, Mr. Frank Blowers, Billy Warmerdam, Jim Avila,
Ernst Atkisson, Raymond Stites
Front Row (left to right) Nellie Loogman, Pat Hageman, Dena Stout, June Barger, Genevieve Perry
Back Row (left to right) Eddie Miguel, Mr. Frank Blowers, Billy Warmerdam, Jim Avila,
Ernst Atkisson, Raymond Stites
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1947/48, Grades 1 & 2 (#1011)
Front Row (left to right) Carl ??, Robbie Hargrove, Ida ??, Winny Brown, Agnes Warmerdam,
Barbara Warmerdam, Florinda ??, Jean Warmerdam, Oltean ??, Catherine Warmerdam,
Mary Dee Sorrells, Bertha Vink, Linda van der Veur, Charlene Honeycutt, Helen Cardoza,
David Hanse, David Fraley
Back Row (left to right) Larry Willhite, John Cardoza, Joe Jones, Bobby Murphy, Nick Warmerdam,
John Warmerdam, Mrs. Semas, Ron Madruga, Leon ??, Terry ??, Gary Thomas, Wendell Gillam,
Arnold Vink, Tommy Murphy
Hardwick 1947/48, Grades 1 & 2 (#1011)
Front Row (left to right) Carl ??, Robbie Hargrove, Ida ??, Winny Brown, Agnes Warmerdam,
Barbara Warmerdam, Florinda ??, Jean Warmerdam, Oltean ??, Catherine Warmerdam,
Mary Dee Sorrells, Bertha Vink, Linda van der Veur, Charlene Honeycutt, Helen Cardoza,
David Hanse, David Fraley
Back Row (left to right) Larry Willhite, John Cardoza, Joe Jones, Bobby Murphy, Nick Warmerdam,
John Warmerdam, Mrs. Semas, Ron Madruga, Leon ??, Terry ??, Gary Thomas, Wendell Gillam,
Arnold Vink, Tommy Murphy
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1947/48, Grades 3 & 4 (#1022)
Front Row (left to right) Joan Fraley, Helen Honeycutt, Dorothy Murphy, 4, Hilda Magill,
Linda Allen, Mary Vink, Dolores Cardoza, Mary Cardoza, Marjorie Willhite, Catherine Chevallier
Middle Row (left to right) Eddy Warmerdam, Harry Bakker, Billy Warmerdam, Linda Polumbo,
Agnes Vink, Lavern ??, Nancy Pinell, Darlene Murphy, Juvenal Rosa, Wayne ??, Joe Sephas??
Back Row (left to right) Frank Blowers, Floyd Brown, Peter Hanse, Bob Fraley, Bernard, Mazarias,
Doyle Brock, Bill Warmerdam, Paul Gillam, Michael Vander Veur, Winiford ??, David Betts
Hardwick 1947/48, Grades 3 & 4 (#1022)
Front Row (left to right) Joan Fraley, Helen Honeycutt, Dorothy Murphy, 4, Hilda Magill,
Linda Allen, Mary Vink, Dolores Cardoza, Mary Cardoza, Marjorie Willhite, Catherine Chevallier
Middle Row (left to right) Eddy Warmerdam, Harry Bakker, Billy Warmerdam, Linda Polumbo,
Agnes Vink, Lavern ??, Nancy Pinell, Darlene Murphy, Juvenal Rosa, Wayne ??, Joe Sephas??
Back Row (left to right) Frank Blowers, Floyd Brown, Peter Hanse, Bob Fraley, Bernard, Mazarias,
Doyle Brock, Bill Warmerdam, Paul Gillam, Michael Vander Veur, Winiford ??, David Betts
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1947 (#1012)
Front row (left to right) Doris Robinson, Betty Avila, Delores Ormonde, Betty Chevallier,
Patty Buwalda, Doris Honeycutt
Back row (left to right) Paul Betts, Floyd Bookout, Eddie Teixeira, Bill Fraley, Lloyd Bookout,
Homer Crippen, Adolph Borges, Alfred Borges
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1947 (#1012)
Front row (left to right) Doris Robinson, Betty Avila, Delores Ormonde, Betty Chevallier,
Patty Buwalda, Doris Honeycutt
Back row (left to right) Paul Betts, Floyd Bookout, Eddie Teixeira, Bill Fraley, Lloyd Bookout,
Homer Crippen, Adolph Borges, Alfred Borges
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1949 (#1013)
Front Row: Bucky Madruga, Principal Frank Blowers, Robert Polumbo
Back Row: Lorraine Miguel, Barbara Long, Barbara Gomes, Mary Ellen Warmerdam,
Gertrude Chevallier, Mary Jane Homen, Arlene Rosa
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1949 (#1013)
Front Row: Bucky Madruga, Principal Frank Blowers, Robert Polumbo
Back Row: Lorraine Miguel, Barbara Long, Barbara Gomes, Mary Ellen Warmerdam,
Gertrude Chevallier, Mary Jane Homen, Arlene Rosa
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1949/50, Grades 1 & 2 (#1002)
Front Row (left to right) David Hanse, David Fraley, Abe Lopez, Benny Andrickson, William Honeycutt,
Ronny Huffman, 7, Jimmy Madruga, Anthony Mendes, Jerry Willhite, James Russell
Middle Row (left to right) Carmen Lopez, Ladema Tully, Helena Vink, Patsy Perry, Diane Huffman,
Agnes Warmerdam, Mrs. Simas, Gloria Lewis, Doris Gomes,
Betty Jo Gillam, Mirna Vander Veur, Carolyn Chevalier
Back Row (left to right) Dickie DeVries, Donald Tully, Arnold Vink, Frank Menezes, Annie Warmerdam,
Anita Hamblin, Jeanne Warmerdam, Jimmy Bakker, Jimmy ???, Gary Thomas, Bobby Mendes
Hardwick 1949/50, Grades 1 & 2 (#1002)
Front Row (left to right) David Hanse, David Fraley, Abe Lopez, Benny Andrickson, William Honeycutt,
Ronny Huffman, 7, Jimmy Madruga, Anthony Mendes, Jerry Willhite, James Russell
Middle Row (left to right) Carmen Lopez, Ladema Tully, Helena Vink, Patsy Perry, Diane Huffman,
Agnes Warmerdam, Mrs. Simas, Gloria Lewis, Doris Gomes,
Betty Jo Gillam, Mirna Vander Veur, Carolyn Chevalier
Back Row (left to right) Dickie DeVries, Donald Tully, Arnold Vink, Frank Menezes, Annie Warmerdam,
Anita Hamblin, Jeanne Warmerdam, Jimmy Bakker, Jimmy ???, Gary Thomas, Bobby Mendes
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1949/50, Grades 3 & 4 (Photo #1015)
Front Row (left to right) Robbie Hargrove, John Warmerdam, Ronny Madruga, 4, Larry Willhite,
Nick Warmerdam, 7, George Long
Middle Row (left to right) Jean Warmerdam, Dawn Loewen, 3, Bonnie Huffman, Mrs. McMahan,
Marie ??, Pat Betts, 8, Linda Vander Veur, Charlene Honeycutt
Back Row (left to right) Leonard ??, Sheldon Cobb, Bertha Vink, Catherine Warmerdam,
Helen Honeycutt, Barbara Warmerdam, Danny Williamson, Wendell Gillam
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1949/50, Grades 5 & 65 (Photo #1023)
Front Row (left to right) 1, Lydia Lopez, Marjorie Willhite, Mary Vink, Catherine Chevallier,
Joan Fraley, Agnes Vink, Nancy Kiriyama, 9,
Middle Row (left to right) Linda Polumbo, Michael Vander Veur, Harry Baker, 4, Mrs. Tibbs,
Bob Fraley, Juvenal Rosa, Bill Warmerdam, 9,
Back Row (left to right) 1, Boyd Williamson, Paul Gillam, Eddy Warmerdam, Pete Hanse,
Bill Warmerdam, David Betts, Frank Blowers
Hardwick 1949/50, Grades 5 & 65 (Photo #1023)
Front Row (left to right) 1, Lydia Lopez, Marjorie Willhite, Mary Vink, Catherine Chevallier,
Joan Fraley, Agnes Vink, Nancy Kiriyama, 9,
Middle Row (left to right) Linda Polumbo, Michael Vander Veur, Harry Baker, 4, Mrs. Tibbs,
Bob Fraley, Juvenal Rosa, Bill Warmerdam, 9,
Back Row (left to right) 1, Boyd Williamson, Paul Gillam, Eddy Warmerdam, Pete Hanse,
Bill Warmerdam, David Betts, Frank Blowers
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1950/51, Grades 1 & 2 (Photo #1024)
Front Row (left to right) Jerry Willhite, Clennan Pauly, Abram Lopez, Ronald Smith,
Manuel Maciel, Johnny Buwalda, Truman Willhite
Middle Row (left to right) Joyce Oliver, Brenda Cossey, Helene Gomes, Laurel White,
Patsy Perry, Lena Vink, Carolyn Chevalier, Lanelle Lea, Patricia Lea, Mirna Vander Veur, Billy DeVries
Back Row (left to right) Josephine ????, Tommy Avila, Jimmy Madruga, William Honeycutt,
Mrs. Dawson (sub. for Mrs. Simas), Ruben Lopez, Junior Mendez, James Russell, Benny Honeycutt
Hardwick 1950/51, Grades 1 & 2 (Photo #1024)
Front Row (left to right) Jerry Willhite, Clennan Pauly, Abram Lopez, Ronald Smith,
Manuel Maciel, Johnny Buwalda, Truman Willhite
Middle Row (left to right) Joyce Oliver, Brenda Cossey, Helene Gomes, Laurel White,
Patsy Perry, Lena Vink, Carolyn Chevalier, Lanelle Lea, Patricia Lea, Mirna Vander Veur, Billy DeVries
Back Row (left to right) Josephine ????, Tommy Avila, Jimmy Madruga, William Honeycutt,
Mrs. Dawson (sub. for Mrs. Simas), Ruben Lopez, Junior Mendez, James Russell, Benny Honeycutt
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1950/51, Grades 3 & 4 (#1025)
Front Row (left to right) John Warmerdam, Bobby Mendes, Gary Thomas, Frank Menezes,
Bobby Murphy, Jim Bakker, Sheldon Cobb
Middle Row (left to right) David Fraley, Doris Gomes, Jeanne Warmerdam, Sandra Newton,
Aggie Warmerdam, Barbara Warmerdam, Linda Vander Veur, Betty Newton, Annie Warmerdam, Gloria Lewis, Robbie Hargrove
Back Row (left to right) Betty Jo Gillam, Carmen Lopez, Anita Hamblin, Pat Betts, Mrs. McMahan,
David Hanse, Tommy Murphy, Arnold Vink, Dick DeVries
Hardwick 1950/51, Grades 3 & 4 (#1025)
Front Row (left to right) John Warmerdam, Bobby Mendes, Gary Thomas, Frank Menezes,
Bobby Murphy, Jim Bakker, Sheldon Cobb
Middle Row (left to right) David Fraley, Doris Gomes, Jeanne Warmerdam, Sandra Newton,
Aggie Warmerdam, Barbara Warmerdam, Linda Vander Veur, Betty Newton, Annie Warmerdam, Gloria Lewis, Robbie Hargrove
Back Row (left to right) Betty Jo Gillam, Carmen Lopez, Anita Hamblin, Pat Betts, Mrs. McMahan,
David Hanse, Tommy Murphy, Arnold Vink, Dick DeVries
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1950/51, Grades 7 & 8 (#1026)
Front Row (left to right) Nancy Kiriyama, Darlene Murphy, Dorothy Murphy, Alice Newton (Nunes?), Agnes Vink, Marjorie Willhite, Lydia Lopez, Margaret Lopez, Charlene (Micky) Murphy
Back Row (left to right) Sadie Buwalda, Linda Polumbo, Eddie Vink (Vinkas), Raymond Loewen,
Teacher/Principal, Frank Blowers, Marvin Willhite (Willy), Albert Lea,
Michael Vander Veur (Vander Hoot), Paul Gilliam (Blue Gill), Bobby Fraley
Hardwick 1950/51, Grades 7 & 8 (#1026)
Front Row (left to right) Nancy Kiriyama, Darlene Murphy, Dorothy Murphy, Alice Newton (Nunes?), Agnes Vink, Marjorie Willhite, Lydia Lopez, Margaret Lopez, Charlene (Micky) Murphy
Back Row (left to right) Sadie Buwalda, Linda Polumbo, Eddie Vink (Vinkas), Raymond Loewen,
Teacher/Principal, Frank Blowers, Marvin Willhite (Willy), Albert Lea,
Michael Vander Veur (Vander Hoot), Paul Gilliam (Blue Gill), Bobby Fraley
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1951/52, Grades 3 & 4 (Photo #1027)
Front Row (left to right) Vernice Townsend, Annie Warmerdam, Shirley Phillips, Patsy Perry, Sandra Nunes, Bibianna Souza, Anita Hamblin, Gloria Lewis, Doris Gomes, Aggie Warmerdam,
Lillie Souza, Joyce Oliver, Mirna Vander Veur, Ladema Tully,
Middle Row (left to right) Tommy Murphy, Frank Menezes, Arnold Vink, Jimmy Bakker,
Gary Thomas, David Hanse, Donald Tait, Bobby Mendes, Dickie DeVries,
Junior Mendez, Don Tully, Billy Phillips, Paul Dillard, Mrs. Turman
Back Row (right to left) David Fraley, Betty Jo Gillam, Evelyn Prater, Linda Dillard, Brenda Cossey,
Jeanne Warmerdam, Carolyn Chevalier, Lena Vink, Joy Ackerson, LuAnn Prater, Lanelle Lea,
James Russell, William Honeycutt, Flenoil Townsend
Hardwick 1951/52, Grades 3 & 4 (Photo #1027)
Front Row (left to right) Vernice Townsend, Annie Warmerdam, Shirley Phillips, Patsy Perry, Sandra Nunes, Bibianna Souza, Anita Hamblin, Gloria Lewis, Doris Gomes, Aggie Warmerdam,
Lillie Souza, Joyce Oliver, Mirna Vander Veur, Ladema Tully,
Middle Row (left to right) Tommy Murphy, Frank Menezes, Arnold Vink, Jimmy Bakker,
Gary Thomas, David Hanse, Donald Tait, Bobby Mendes, Dickie DeVries,
Junior Mendez, Don Tully, Billy Phillips, Paul Dillard, Mrs. Turman
Back Row (right to left) David Fraley, Betty Jo Gillam, Evelyn Prater, Linda Dillard, Brenda Cossey,
Jeanne Warmerdam, Carolyn Chevalier, Lena Vink, Joy Ackerson, LuAnn Prater, Lanelle Lea,
James Russell, William Honeycutt, Flenoil Townsend
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1951/52, Grades 5 & 6 (#1028)
Front Row (left to right) Pat Betts, Betty Phillips Redwine, Barbara Warmerdam, Beverly Souza,
Catherine Warmerdam, Jean Warmerdam, Bertha Vink, Dawn Loewen,
Helen Honeycutt, Betty Nunes, Betty Redfern
Middle Row (left to right) Mervin Tait, Steven Lopez, Pete Hanse, Ron Madruga, Carol Redfern (boy),
Gary Dias, Bobby Murphy, John Warmerdam, Mrs. Tibbs
Back Row (left to right) Sheldon Cobb, Alvin Lea, Larry Willhite, Linda Vander Veur, Charlene Honeycutt,
Nick Warmerdam, Willie Souza, Wendell Gillam, Robbie Hargrove.
Hardwick 1951/52, Grades 5 & 6 (#1028)
Front Row (left to right) Pat Betts, Betty Phillips Redwine, Barbara Warmerdam, Beverly Souza,
Catherine Warmerdam, Jean Warmerdam, Bertha Vink, Dawn Loewen,
Helen Honeycutt, Betty Nunes, Betty Redfern
Middle Row (left to right) Mervin Tait, Steven Lopez, Pete Hanse, Ron Madruga, Carol Redfern (boy),
Gary Dias, Bobby Murphy, John Warmerdam, Mrs. Tibbs
Back Row (left to right) Sheldon Cobb, Alvin Lea, Larry Willhite, Linda Vander Veur, Charlene Honeycutt,
Nick Warmerdam, Willie Souza, Wendell Gillam, Robbie Hargrove.
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1951/52, Grades 7 & 8 (#1029)
Front Row (left to right) Darlene Murphy, Agnes Vink, Linda Polumbo, Alice Nunes? Newton,
Nancy Kiriyama, Dorothy Murphy, Mary Vink, Marjorie Willhite, Edith Redfern,
Catherine Chevallier, Joan Fraley
Middle Row (left to right) Paul Gillam, Billy Warmerdam, John Redfern, Bill Warmerdam, Albert Lea,
Michael Vander Veur, Teacher/Principal Frank Blowers
Back Row (left to right) Harry Bakker, Ronny Nunes, Juvenal Rosa, Eddy Warmerdam, Bobby Fraley,
David Betts, Frank Blowers
Hardwick 1951/52, Grades 7 & 8 (#1029)
Front Row (left to right) Darlene Murphy, Agnes Vink, Linda Polumbo, Alice Nunes? Newton,
Nancy Kiriyama, Dorothy Murphy, Mary Vink, Marjorie Willhite, Edith Redfern,
Catherine Chevallier, Joan Fraley
Middle Row (left to right) Paul Gillam, Billy Warmerdam, John Redfern, Bill Warmerdam, Albert Lea,
Michael Vander Veur, Teacher/Principal Frank Blowers
Back Row (left to right) Harry Bakker, Ronny Nunes, Juvenal Rosa, Eddy Warmerdam, Bobby Fraley,
David Betts, Frank Blowers
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1952 (#1030)
Front Row (left to right) Dorothy Murphy, Darlene Murphy, Linda Polumbo, 4, Agnes Vink,
Nancy Kiriyama, Marjorie Willhite
Back Row (left to right) Mr. Blowers, 2, Michael Vander Veur, Albert Lea,
Paul Gillam, Bob Fraley, 7,
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1952 (#1030)
Front Row (left to right) Dorothy Murphy, Darlene Murphy, Linda Polumbo, 4, Agnes Vink,
Nancy Kiriyama, Marjorie Willhite
Back Row (left to right) Mr. Blowers, 2, Michael Vander Veur, Albert Lea,
Paul Gillam, Bob Fraley, 7,
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1952/53, Grades 1 & 2 (#1018)
Back Row (left to right) Mrs. Simas, 2, Don Perry, John Honeycutt, 5, 6,
Richard Menezes, Pat Warmerdam, Gaylord Thomas, 10, Danny Gomes, 12 ,(There is a missing person somewhere in this row.)
Middle Row (left to right) 1, 2, Betty Souza, Jeannie Vink, Patricia Hanse, 6,
Doug Hamblin, 8, 9,
Bottom Row (left to right) 1, Suzie Perry, 3, 4, 5, Beverly Gomes, 7, 8, Shelby White,
Linda Gomes, 11,
Hardwick 1952/53, Grades 1 & 2 (#1018)
Back Row (left to right) Mrs. Simas, 2, Don Perry, John Honeycutt, 5, 6,
Richard Menezes, Pat Warmerdam, Gaylord Thomas, 10, Danny Gomes, 12 ,(There is a missing person somewhere in this row.)
Middle Row (left to right) 1, 2, Betty Souza, Jeannie Vink, Patricia Hanse, 6,
Doug Hamblin, 8, 9,
Bottom Row (left to right) 1, Suzie Perry, 3, 4, 5, Beverly Gomes, 7, 8, Shelby White,
Linda Gomes, 11,
Hardwick 1952/53, Grades 3 & 4 (#1054)
Front Row (left to right) Patricia Lea, Helene Gomes, Laurel White, Billie DeVries, Joyce Oliver,
Betty Brown, Mirna Vander Veur, Brenda Cossey, Joy Ackerson, Patsy Perry, Shirley Phillips,
Joyce Townsend, Lena Vink
Middle Row (left to right) Linda Dillard, Lanelle Lea, Lillie Souza, Flenoil Townsend, Billy Phillips,
Ben ??? Paul Dillard, Jerry B ????, Carolyn Chevalier, Evelyn Prater
Back Row (left to right) Mrs. Turman, James Russell, Larry Davis, Tommy Avila, Jimmy Madruga,
Jerry Willhite, William Honeycutt, Johnny Buwalda, Manual Maciel, Anthony Mendes,
Truman Willhite, Ben Honeycutt
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1952/53, Grades 5 & 6 (#1016)
Front Row (left to right) Pat Betts, Charlene Honeycutt, Linda Vander Veur, Annie Warmerdam, LouAnn Prater?, Doris Gomes, Betty Jo Gillam, Bibianna Souza, Gloria Lewis, Anita Hamblin, Everlene Ford
Middle Row (left to right) Mrs. Dawson, Frank Menezes, Bobby Mendes, Bob Murphy,
Barbara Warmerdam, Betty Phillips Redwine, Vernice Townson, Josephine DeSoto,
Jimmy Alfred, Gary Thomas, John Warmerdam
Back Row (left to right) David Fraley, Richard Mobley, Sheldon Cobb, Robbie Hargrove, Gary Dias,
Tommy Murphy, David Hanse, Nick Warmerdam, Jim Bakker, Arnold Vink, Dick DeVries
Hardwick 1952/53, Grades 5 & 6 (#1016)
Front Row (left to right) Pat Betts, Charlene Honeycutt, Linda Vander Veur, Annie Warmerdam, LouAnn Prater?, Doris Gomes, Betty Jo Gillam, Bibianna Souza, Gloria Lewis, Anita Hamblin, Everlene Ford
Middle Row (left to right) Mrs. Dawson, Frank Menezes, Bobby Mendes, Bob Murphy,
Barbara Warmerdam, Betty Phillips Redwine, Vernice Townson, Josephine DeSoto,
Jimmy Alfred, Gary Thomas, John Warmerdam
Back Row (left to right) David Fraley, Richard Mobley, Sheldon Cobb, Robbie Hargrove, Gary Dias,
Tommy Murphy, David Hanse, Nick Warmerdam, Jim Bakker, Arnold Vink, Dick DeVries
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1953/54, Grades 5 & 6 (#1017)
Front Row (left to right) Glenda Hatching, Gloria Lewis, Jeanne Warmerdam, Doris Gomes,
Rita Casey, Linda Dillard, Patsy Perry, Mirna Vander Veur, Lena Semas, Joyce Oliver,
Carolyn Chevalier, Linda Vink, Betty Jo Gillam
Middle Row (left to right) Dick DeVries, Paul Dillard, Vernice Townsend, Silverene Ford,
Agnes Warmerdam, Annie Warmerdam, Everline Ford, Bibianna Souza, Anita Hamblin,
Lanelle Lea, Lillie Souza, Jimmy Bakker, Frank Menezes
Back Row (left to right) Bobby Mendes, Mrs. Dawson, Billy DeVries, James Russell, Billy Phillips,
Anthony Mendes, George Claves ?, Tommy Murphy, David Hanse, David Fraley,
Arnold Vink, Flenoil Townsend, Donald Turner, Jimmy Alford, William Honeycutt.
Hardwick 1953/54, Grades 5 & 6 (#1017)
Front Row (left to right) Glenda Hatching, Gloria Lewis, Jeanne Warmerdam, Doris Gomes,
Rita Casey, Linda Dillard, Patsy Perry, Mirna Vander Veur, Lena Semas, Joyce Oliver,
Carolyn Chevalier, Linda Vink, Betty Jo Gillam
Middle Row (left to right) Dick DeVries, Paul Dillard, Vernice Townsend, Silverene Ford,
Agnes Warmerdam, Annie Warmerdam, Everline Ford, Bibianna Souza, Anita Hamblin,
Lanelle Lea, Lillie Souza, Jimmy Bakker, Frank Menezes
Back Row (left to right) Bobby Mendes, Mrs. Dawson, Billy DeVries, James Russell, Billy Phillips,
Anthony Mendes, George Claves ?, Tommy Murphy, David Hanse, David Fraley,
Arnold Vink, Flenoil Townsend, Donald Turner, Jimmy Alford, William Honeycutt.
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1953/54, Grades 7 & 8 (#1019)
Front Row (left to right) Pat Betts, Bertha Vink, Dawn Loewen, Barbara Warmerdam, Jean Warmerdam, Charlene Honeycutt, Helen Honeycutt, Betty Phillips Redwine, Linda Vander Veur
Middle Row (left to right) Catherine Warmerdam, John Warmerdam, Willie Souza, Pete Hanse,
Steven Lopez, Bob Murphy, Ron Madruga, Beverly Souza, Mr. Blowers
Back Row (left to right) Nick Warmerdam, Sheldon Cobb, Gary Dias, Wendell Gillam, Larry Willhite
Alvin Lea, Robbie Hargrove
Hardwick 1953/54, Grades 7 & 8 (#1019)
Front Row (left to right) Pat Betts, Bertha Vink, Dawn Loewen, Barbara Warmerdam, Jean Warmerdam, Charlene Honeycutt, Helen Honeycutt, Betty Phillips Redwine, Linda Vander Veur
Middle Row (left to right) Catherine Warmerdam, John Warmerdam, Willie Souza, Pete Hanse,
Steven Lopez, Bob Murphy, Ron Madruga, Beverly Souza, Mr. Blowers
Back Row (left to right) Nick Warmerdam, Sheldon Cobb, Gary Dias, Wendell Gillam, Larry Willhite
Alvin Lea, Robbie Hargrove
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1954/55, Grades 5 & 6 (#1021)
Front Row (left to right) Mirna Vander Veur, Joyce Oliver, Lena Semas, Shirley Phillips, Joyce Townsend,
Patricia Lea, Billie DeVries, Laurel White, Helene Gomes, Eleanor Stockton
Middle Row (left to right) Mrs. Strole, Anthony Mendes, James Russell, Tommy Avila, Jimmy Madruga,
Manual Maciel, Truman Willhite, Jerry Willhite, Johnny Buwalda, Flenoil Townsend
Back Row (left to right) Jerry Bookout, Lena Vink, Rita Casey, Patricia Perry, Lillie Souza, Lanelle Lea,
Brenda Cossey, Tony Semas, Billy Phillips,
Hardwick 1954/55, Grades 5 & 6 (#1021)
Front Row (left to right) Mirna Vander Veur, Joyce Oliver, Lena Semas, Shirley Phillips, Joyce Townsend,
Patricia Lea, Billie DeVries, Laurel White, Helene Gomes, Eleanor Stockton
Middle Row (left to right) Mrs. Strole, Anthony Mendes, James Russell, Tommy Avila, Jimmy Madruga,
Manual Maciel, Truman Willhite, Jerry Willhite, Johnny Buwalda, Flenoil Townsend
Back Row (left to right) Jerry Bookout, Lena Vink, Rita Casey, Patricia Perry, Lillie Souza, Lanelle Lea,
Brenda Cossey, Tony Semas, Billy Phillips,
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1954/55, Grades 7 & 8 (#1033)
Front Row (left to right) Jeanne Warmerdam, Aggie Warmerdam, Vernice Townson,
Evelyn Stockton, Linda Vander Veur, Pat Betts, Betty Phillips Redwine, Betty Jo Gillam,
Gloria Lewis, Everlene Ford, Bibianna Souza
Middle Row (left to right) Tommy Murphy, John Warmerdam, Arnold Vink, Jim Bakker, Anita Hamblin, Doris Gomes, Dick DeVries, David Hanse, Robbie Hargrove, David Fraley, Mr. Blowers
Back Row (left to right) Silvereen Ford, Gary Dias, Bobby Mendes, Bob Murphy, Frank Menezes,
Nick Warmerdam, Jimmy Alfred, Sheldon Cobb, Barbara Warmerdam, Annie Warmerdam
Hardwick 1954/55, Grades 7 & 8 (#1033)
Front Row (left to right) Jeanne Warmerdam, Aggie Warmerdam, Vernice Townson,
Evelyn Stockton, Linda Vander Veur, Pat Betts, Betty Phillips Redwine, Betty Jo Gillam,
Gloria Lewis, Everlene Ford, Bibianna Souza
Middle Row (left to right) Tommy Murphy, John Warmerdam, Arnold Vink, Jim Bakker, Anita Hamblin, Doris Gomes, Dick DeVries, David Hanse, Robbie Hargrove, David Fraley, Mr. Blowers
Back Row (left to right) Silvereen Ford, Gary Dias, Bobby Mendes, Bob Murphy, Frank Menezes,
Nick Warmerdam, Jimmy Alfred, Sheldon Cobb, Barbara Warmerdam, Annie Warmerdam
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1955 (#1034)
Front Row (left to right) Betty Phillips Redwine, Linda Vander Veur, Barbara Warmerdam, Pat Betts
Back Row (left to right) Gary Dias, Bob Murphy, John Warmerdam, Nick Warmerdam,
Sheldon Cobb, Bob Hargrove
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1955 (#1034)
Front Row (left to right) Betty Phillips Redwine, Linda Vander Veur, Barbara Warmerdam, Pat Betts
Back Row (left to right) Gary Dias, Bob Murphy, John Warmerdam, Nick Warmerdam,
Sheldon Cobb, Bob Hargrove
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1955/56, Grades 1 & 2 (#1035)
Front Row (left to right) Gussie DeVries, Jake Vink, Cathie Avila, Elaine Rose,
Lena Warmerdam, Becky White, Dianne Fraley, Carol Thornton, Sally Wallace, Junior Wallace
Back Row (left to right) Edward Cheek, Clifford Rowen, Eddie Souza, Louis Dotson, Bob Thomas,
Mrs. Josephine Simas, Johnny Vink, Danny Souza, Joe Freitas, Paul White, Larry Souza
Hardwick 1955/56, Grades 1 & 2 (#1035)
Front Row (left to right) Gussie DeVries, Jake Vink, Cathie Avila, Elaine Rose,
Lena Warmerdam, Becky White, Dianne Fraley, Carol Thornton, Sally Wallace, Junior Wallace
Back Row (left to right) Edward Cheek, Clifford Rowen, Eddie Souza, Louis Dotson, Bob Thomas,
Mrs. Josephine Simas, Johnny Vink, Danny Souza, Joe Freitas, Paul White, Larry Souza
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1955/56, Grades 7 & 8 (#1036)
Front Row (left to right) Jeanne Warmerdam, Betty Brown, Rita Casey, Lena Semas,
Helena Vink,Lillie Souza, Mirna Vander Veur, Patsy Perry, Judy Thornton,
Bibianna Souza,Gloria Lewis, Agnes Warmerdam
Middle Row (left to right) David Fraley, Tommy Murphy, Billy Phillips, Robert Thornton, Dick DeVries,
Flenoil Townsend, David Hanse, James Russell, Jimmy Bakker, Anthony Mendes
Back Row (left to right) Bobby Mendes, Annie Warmerdam, Betty Jo Gillam, Anita Hamblin, Doris Gomes,
Everline Ford, Silverene Ford, Wanda Rowan, Lanelle Lea, Frank Menezes, Mr. Please
Hardwick 1955/56, Grades 7 & 8 (#1036)
Front Row (left to right) Jeanne Warmerdam, Betty Brown, Rita Casey, Lena Semas,
Helena Vink,Lillie Souza, Mirna Vander Veur, Patsy Perry, Judy Thornton,
Bibianna Souza,Gloria Lewis, Agnes Warmerdam
Middle Row (left to right) David Fraley, Tommy Murphy, Billy Phillips, Robert Thornton, Dick DeVries,
Flenoil Townsend, David Hanse, James Russell, Jimmy Bakker, Anthony Mendes
Back Row (left to right) Bobby Mendes, Annie Warmerdam, Betty Jo Gillam, Anita Hamblin, Doris Gomes,
Everline Ford, Silverene Ford, Wanda Rowan, Lanelle Lea, Frank Menezes, Mr. Please
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1956/57, Grades 7 & 8 (#1037)
Front Row (left to right) Manual Maciel, Helene Gomes, Laurel White, Billie DeVries, Joyce Townsend,
Betty Brown, Helena Vink, Mirna Vander Veur, Patsy Perry, Patricia Lea, Johnny Buwalda, Truman Willhite
Back Row (left to right) Jerry Bookout, Jimmy Madruga, Anthony Mendes, Tommy Avila, Judy Thornton,
Lanelle Lea, Rita Casey, Wanda Rowan, Flenoil Townsend, James Russell, Johnny Donahue
Hardwick 1956/57, Grades 7 & 8 (#1037)
Front Row (left to right) Manual Maciel, Helene Gomes, Laurel White, Billie DeVries, Joyce Townsend,
Betty Brown, Helena Vink, Mirna Vander Veur, Patsy Perry, Patricia Lea, Johnny Buwalda, Truman Willhite
Back Row (left to right) Jerry Bookout, Jimmy Madruga, Anthony Mendes, Tommy Avila, Judy Thornton,
Lanelle Lea, Rita Casey, Wanda Rowan, Flenoil Townsend, James Russell, Johnny Donahue
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1957 (#1040)
Front Row (left to right) Judy Thornton, Wanda Rowan, Lanelle Lea, Lillie Souza,
Helena Vink, Mirna Vander Veur
Back Row (left to right) Johnny Donahue, Anthony Mendes, Patsy Perry, James Russell
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1957 (#1040)
Front Row (left to right) Judy Thornton, Wanda Rowan, Lanelle Lea, Lillie Souza,
Helena Vink, Mirna Vander Veur
Back Row (left to right) Johnny Donahue, Anthony Mendes, Patsy Perry, James Russell
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1957/58, Grades 3 & 4 (#1041)
Front Row (left to right) Lena Warmerdam, Marlynn ? , Elaine Rose, Carol Thornton, Cathie Avila,
Becky White, Diane Fraley
Back Row (left to right) Gussie DeVries, Edward Cheek, Joe Freitas, Bob Thomas, Mrs. Strole, Dwayne Martin, Paul White, Larry Souza, Eddy Souza
Hardwick 1957/58, Grades 3 & 4 (#1041)
Front Row (left to right) Lena Warmerdam, Marlynn ? , Elaine Rose, Carol Thornton, Cathie Avila,
Becky White, Diane Fraley
Back Row (left to right) Gussie DeVries, Edward Cheek, Joe Freitas, Bob Thomas, Mrs. Strole, Dwayne Martin, Paul White, Larry Souza, Eddy Souza
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1957/58, Grades 7 & 8 (#1053)
Front Row (left to right) Pat Warmerdam, Johnny Buwalda, Helen Gomes, Laurel White, Billie Jean DeVries, Patty Hanse, Linda Gomes, Pat Lea, Betty Souza, 10, Donnie Perry
Back Row (left to right) Richard Menezes, Manuel Maciel, Truman Wilhite, Jerry Bookout, Tommy Avila, Teacher Mr. Johnson, Bruce Jefferies, Jimmy Madruga, Jerry Willhite, Doug Hamlin, 11,
Hardwick 1957/58, Grades 7 & 8 (#1053)
Front Row (left to right) Pat Warmerdam, Johnny Buwalda, Helen Gomes, Laurel White, Billie Jean DeVries, Patty Hanse, Linda Gomes, Pat Lea, Betty Souza, 10, Donnie Perry
Back Row (left to right) Richard Menezes, Manuel Maciel, Truman Wilhite, Jerry Bookout, Tommy Avila, Teacher Mr. Johnson, Bruce Jefferies, Jimmy Madruga, Jerry Willhite, Doug Hamlin, 11,
Photo missing. HELP! It was here then it wasn't!
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1958/59, 3rd & 4th Grades (#1042)
Front Row (left to right) Arthur Cheek, Randy Lee, Billy Costa, Joe Van Meter, Joe Martin, Diane Fraley, Diana Amaral, Christine Bernard, Kathy Van Meter, Linda Lee, Patricia Seemmose
Back Row (left to right) Becky White, Elaine Rose, Sandra Gomes, Cathie Avila, Edward Cheek,
Mrs. Freitas, Gene Madruga, Gus DeVries, Manuel Freitas, Manuel Costa
Click here to email Linda van der Veur with names or corrections.
Hardwick 1959/60 Grades 1 & 2 (1044)
Front Row (left to right) Barbara Borges, David Perry, Eddie Martin, Ona Shirayama, Frank_____ , Theresa Warmerdam, Ray Willhite, Leonard Menezes, Margie Douma
Back Row (left to right) David Miguel, Nancy Perry, Billy White , Jane Rose, Mrs. Simas, Janice White, Gene Freitas, Madeline Rose, Mike Jundt, Pat Rose
Hardwick 1959/60 Grades 1 & 2 (1044)
Front Row (left to right) Barbara Borges, David Perry, Eddie Martin, Ona Shirayama, Frank_____ , Theresa Warmerdam, Ray Willhite, Leonard Menezes, Margie Douma
Back Row (left to right) David Miguel, Nancy Perry, Billy White , Jane Rose, Mrs. Simas, Janice White, Gene Freitas, Madeline Rose, Mike Jundt, Pat Rose
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1960 (#1045)
(Please click here to report errors)
Back Row (left to right) Shelby White, Sheila Thornton, Joyce Menezes, Linda Lustre, Dennis White,
Gaylord Thomas, Butch Milton, Daniel Gomes,
Dianne Lustre, Beverly Gomes, Rosemary Freitas, Suzie Perry
Front Row (left to right) Leonard Menezes, Patricia Rose
(Please click here to report errors)
Back Row (left to right) Shelby White, Sheila Thornton, Joyce Menezes, Linda Lustre, Dennis White,
Gaylord Thomas, Butch Milton, Daniel Gomes,
Dianne Lustre, Beverly Gomes, Rosemary Freitas, Suzie Perry
Front Row (left to right) Leonard Menezes, Patricia Rose
Hardwick 1960/61, Grades 1 & 2 (#1046)
Front Row (left to right) Doris Heffley, Ona Shirayama, Patricia Rose, Margie Douma, Jeff Jundt,
Delbert Jundt, Roberta Gomes, Mary Ann Dillas, Lillian Mattos, Sandy Douma
Back Row (left to right) David Perry, Leonard Menezes, ?? Van Meter, Mary Ann Rose,
Madeline Rose, Junior Wilson, Mrs. Semas, Janice White, Ray Willhite, Doris Puente,
Danny Azevedo, Donald Costa
Front Row (left to right) Doris Heffley, Ona Shirayama, Patricia Rose, Margie Douma, Jeff Jundt,
Delbert Jundt, Roberta Gomes, Mary Ann Dillas, Lillian Mattos, Sandy Douma
Back Row (left to right) David Perry, Leonard Menezes, ?? Van Meter, Mary Ann Rose,
Madeline Rose, Junior Wilson, Mrs. Semas, Janice White, Ray Willhite, Doris Puente,
Danny Azevedo, Donald Costa
Hardwick 1960/61, Grades 5 & 6 (#1047)
Front Row (left to right) Gus DeVries, Christine Bernard, Becky White, Joe Martin, Arthur Cheek,
Chuck Morton, Diane Fraley, Diana Amaral, Linda Lee, Lita Thomas, Billy Costa
Back Row (left to right) Eugene Madruga, Manuel Freitas, Leonard Costa, Dennis Caldwell, Edward Cheek, Mr. Camara, Elaine Rose, Cathie Avila, Ellen Smith, Helen Smith
Front Row (left to right) Gus DeVries, Christine Bernard, Becky White, Joe Martin, Arthur Cheek,
Chuck Morton, Diane Fraley, Diana Amaral, Linda Lee, Lita Thomas, Billy Costa
Back Row (left to right) Eugene Madruga, Manuel Freitas, Leonard Costa, Dennis Caldwell, Edward Cheek, Mr. Camara, Elaine Rose, Cathie Avila, Ellen Smith, Helen Smith
Hardwick Grammar School Graduation - 1961 (#1048)
Front Row (left to right) Gloria Fraley, Elaine Russell, Barbara Menezes,
Linda Maciel, Jeannie Avila, Quetta Morton, Priscilla Smith
Back Row (left to right) Edward Madruga, Michael Avila,
Donald Hanse, John DeVries.
Front Row (left to right) Gloria Fraley, Elaine Russell, Barbara Menezes,
Linda Maciel, Jeannie Avila, Quetta Morton, Priscilla Smith
Back Row (left to right) Edward Madruga, Michael Avila,
Donald Hanse, John DeVries.
Hardwick 1961/62, Grades 3 & 4 (#1049)
(Click here to report errors)
Front Row (left to right) Theresa Warmerdam, Ona Shirayama, Doris Hefley, Nancy Perry, Janice White, Jane Rose, Cynthia Nunes, Kathy Stacy, Madeline Rose, Margie Douma, Pat Rose
Back Row (left to right) David Perry, Eddie Martin, David Miguel, Junior Wilson, Mike Jundt, Gene Freitas, Mr. Mendes, Randy Avila, Billy White, Ray Willhite, Walter Kyles, Leonard Menezes
(Click here to report errors)
Front Row (left to right) Theresa Warmerdam, Ona Shirayama, Doris Hefley, Nancy Perry, Janice White, Jane Rose, Cynthia Nunes, Kathy Stacy, Madeline Rose, Margie Douma, Pat Rose
Back Row (left to right) David Perry, Eddie Martin, David Miguel, Junior Wilson, Mike Jundt, Gene Freitas, Mr. Mendes, Randy Avila, Billy White, Ray Willhite, Walter Kyles, Leonard Menezes
Hardwick 1961/62, Grades 7 & 8 (#1050)
Front Row (left to right) David Quiet, Lita Thomas, Becky White, Carol Thornton, Cathie Avila,
Elaine Rose, Lena Warmerdam, Diane Fraley, Chuck Morton
Back Row (left to right) Paul White, Stanley Azevedo, Edward Cheek, Kenneth Costa, Mr. Haffner,
Bob Thomas, Charles Grey, Joe Freitas
After this graduation the school was torn down and soon after these classes moved on; some to the Kings River/Hardwick Grammar school
Front Row (left to right) David Quiet, Lita Thomas, Becky White, Carol Thornton, Cathie Avila,
Elaine Rose, Lena Warmerdam, Diane Fraley, Chuck Morton
Back Row (left to right) Paul White, Stanley Azevedo, Edward Cheek, Kenneth Costa, Mr. Haffner,
Bob Thomas, Charles Grey, Joe Freitas
After this graduation the school was torn down and soon after these classes moved on; some to the Kings River/Hardwick Grammar school